
Information of survey

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Beneficiary Data

Beneficiary Name : संगीता

Father Name : नीलेश

Gender : Female

Age : 24

Family Members :3

Occupation :मजदूरी

Avg. Monthly Income : 2000

Village Name :रमपुरा खुर्द

Tehsil/Block Name : Gairatganj

Panchayat Name :Madanpur

District Name :Raisen

State Name :Madhya pradesh

Beneficiary Photo :

Beneficiary Mobile No. :9399374128

Beneficiary Mobile Adhar/ Samagra No. :351314458173

Baseline Information

Type of Cookstove Used : Traditional

Photo of the Current Cookstove :

Number of Meals Cooked per Day : 4

Avg. Time Consumed per Meal (in min) :50

Type of Fuel Used :firewood

In case of Firewood and Briquettes, how is it procured? :cutWood

In case of Purchase, do you get purchase receipts? :no

Amount of fuel used per day (in kg) :40

Problems you are facing due to current cookstove :Yes

Problems you are facing due to current cookstove :इस इधन का प्रयोग करने पर हमे अपनी आखों की रौशनी पर दुश प्रभाव ओर प्रदूषण के करण आने बाली बीमारिओ का सामना करना होता है

Ujwala Scheme Details

Do you avail Ujwala Scheme (LPG Cylinder)? : no

How many LPG cylinders do you have? :0

How many times do you use one LPG Cylinder in a day? : 0

How many months does one LPG Cylinder last? :0 Month

How much do you pay for one LPG Cylinder? 0

Do you find it affordable? no

Do you still use traditional cookstove? :yes

If yes, why? Or any problem you face with LPG cylinder? : आर्थिक इस्थिति कमजोर होने के करण मै एलपीजि खुद ले नहीं सकती ओर सरकार से मुझे प्राप्त नहीं हुई

Project Details