Beneficiary Name : नरवदी बाई
Father Name : Uma शंकर
Gender : Female
Age : 65
Family Members :5
Occupation :मजदूरी
Avg. Monthly Income : 1500
Village Name :सगोनिया
Tehsil/Block Name : Gairatganj
Panchayat Name :BanKhedi
District Name :Raisen
State Name :Madhya pradesh
Beneficiary Photo :
Beneficiary Mobile No. :7999175229
Beneficiary Mobile Adhar/ Samagra No. :31397567
Beneficiary Geolocation :23.3946918, 78.0787191
Type of Cookstove Used : Traditional
Photo of the Current Cookstove :
Number of Meals Cooked per Day : 2
Avg. Time Consumed per Meal (in min) :60
Type of Fuel Used :firewood
In case of Firewood and Briquettes, how is it procured? :pickUpWood
In case of Purchase, do you get purchase receipts? :no
Amount of fuel used per day (in kg) :12
Problems you are facing due to current cookstove :Yes
Problems you are facing due to current cookstove :आंखों मे जलन
Do you avail Ujwala Scheme (LPG Cylinder)? : no
How many LPG cylinders do you have? :0
How many times do you use one LPG Cylinder in a day? : O
How many months does one LPG Cylinder last? :0 Month
How much do you pay for one LPG Cylinder? 0
Do you find it affordable? no
Do you still use traditional cookstove? :yes
If yes, why? Or any problem you face with LPG cylinder? : उज्जबला सहायता प्राप्त नहीं
Name of ICS Provided : Narbadi bai
Number of ICS Provided :1
Unique ID of the ICS : IE-GG-23-5049
Price Charged for ICS? :No
In case price is charged, has receipt been provided? No
रसीद का फोटो
Photo of beneficiary receiving the ICS :
Carbon Right Agreement Signed? :yes
Photo of signed Carbon Right Agreement :
If yes, why? Or any problem you face with LPG cylinder? :yes
Name of Distributer :Aniket Kirar
Date of distribution :2023-12-21
Ics Geolocation :23.395505,78.077339